CDD Vault User Testimonials
Alexander Scheer
Casinvent Pharma"CDD Vault has been a game-changer for our start-up. As a cost-effective, ready-to-use platform, it enabled us to establish robust data management workflows and adopt industry best practices right from the start. It not only streamlines operations, but also instills confidence in investors by demonstrating the integrity and scalability of early discovery programs. For emerging ventures like ours, it's the ideal foundation for long-term success."
Ana Kusnetzow
VP Biology | Radionetics Oncology"CDD Vault offers a nice balance of functionality and cost. The ease of user, molecule and data management, along with the ability to grow and scale with our company makes CDD Vault an excellent choice for us."
Andy Hogben
Managing Director | Redbrick Molecular"Redbrick selected CDD Vault because it fulfilled all our technical specifications, was user-friendly and inherently flexible."
Bryan Roth
University of North Carolina School of Medicine | Pharmcology"The CDD Database is an extremely elegant platform. I highly recommend it for anyone generating drug discovery data."
Carl Nathan
Chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology | Weill Cornell Medicine"We have collaborated with numerous academic groups and companies on the CDD Vault platform over the past 10 years. People come and go, but CDD provides a stable foundation to manage data for all our collaborations. It also has robust security features that satisfy our pharma partners, which is no easy feat."
Christopher Barden
CEO | Treventis Corporation"CDD Vault anticipates the way people will do their science and makes importing data as easy as possible. In other systems, I knew the backend was powerful but needed to be a NASA engineer to customize the front end. CDD is set up from ground up to be the most intuitive interface possible. We’ve saved about 1 week worth of time already in six months of using CDD Vault, which frees people up to focus on the science rather than dealing with the IT backend."
Christopher Lipinski
Pfizer, Retired | CDD Scientific Advisory Board"CDD Vault presents data and associated tools that capture the relationship between chemical structure and biological activity. Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) data substantially improve the distributed drug discovery process."
Daniel Factor
Associate Director Pharmacology | Convelo Therapeutics"Every couple of times I log into CDD Vault I find new features which are either things we asked for or that address our needs. It shows CDD takes customer feedback seriously."
David Foley
Chemistry Lead | Tay Therapeutics"During due diligence with an external licencing partner, CDD Vault provided a professional data store that allowed quick and detailed responses to customers’ questions."
Digamber Rane
Senior Researcher | Ohio State University"Continuity is a big issue in academia with so much knowledge being lost due to lab member turnover. With CDD Vault ELN, we have easy access to experiments from 5 years ago without digging through endless notebook pages. CDD is a launching pad that brings new scientists up to speed and gives them the freedom to focus on creative thinking."
Elizabeth Cairns
Research Fellow | The University of Sydney"It's clear that CDD Vault is a product fueled by a passionate team dedicated to constant improvement. Their commitment to enhancing it is outstanding. We have the confidence that any reasonable need we have can be met with their responsiveness and dedication"
Ellen Berg
Chief Scientific Officer | Translational Biology, Eurofins DiscoverX"CDD easily allows us to securely collaborate, while keeping some data private, all in one system."
Gabriel Gracia
Senior Scientist | Kurome Therapeutics"CDD Vault provides a centralized system where the entire team can view and compare compounds side by side. We can focus on meaningful discussions and not worry about data being in different places. It's also easy to put together presentations for investors because all the data is already there."
Iwan Grin
Lab Manager | Universitätsklinikum Tübingen"CDD was love at first sight for me. It is so intuitive to use that I picked it up in one day before I even received any training. The system is great for managing both structured and unstructured data."
James Mckerrow
UCSD | CDD Scientific Advisory Board"Five years ago our lab tested 20 compounds a year with no way to handle 200. Today, with CDD’s software, we can fully process 3,000 new compounds per year and advance the best compounds to late-stage development."
Jarrod Medeiros
Director of Informatics & IT | Casma Therapeutics"Getting CDD Vault at an early stage pays dividends. Among other things, having clean data that is easily shareable is very valuable down the road when it's time to form partnerships with other organizations."
Jeffrey Albert
SVP of Medicinal Chemistry | X-Chem"I feel like CDD people are just like me. Their support staff know what I want from informatics and articulate it better than I can. No other company comes even close"
Jerome Deval
VP of Biochemistry | Bluejay Therapeutics"Now it feels like we are doing discovery as pros. No more spreadsheets, no more duplicate data, no more need to have a second set of eyes on what we upload because the system is so smart"
Jim Lanter
Senior Director of Medicinal Chemistry | Arkuda Therapeutics"The Vault’s powerful and flexible system not only facilitates rapid compound registration from our external medicinal chemistry teams but also seamlessly integrates this information with a wide range of in vitro and in vivo testing results. This enables rapid assessment of the developing SAR across multiple dimensions; everyone appreciates how well the system works while requiring virtually no internal IT support."
Jim Wikel
Apexian Pharmaceuticals | CDD Scientific Advisory Board"CDD Vault gives us the ability to see the data as it’s put into the database with very little training. So it’s easy and intuitive to do."
Joanne Babula
Research Scientist | Ridgeline Therapeutics"We were spun out of academia and didn't have any data tracking system. With CDD Vault we are now able to compile all results in one place and compare different compounds on the same page - really useful! The ELN is very beneficial as well. We can easily prepare a slide deck from the well-organized data to present to investors and partners."
Julio Medina
CEO | R2M Pharma"I have evaluated different systems during my 25 years in the biotech industry. For us, the main factor in choosing CDD Vault was the ease of implementation—how intuitive and easy the system is to use. Sometimes you get systems that are very powerful, but only one person who is trained can use it. Most of us like systems where it's so easy to use that it doesn't require a big learning process to get value from it."
Leah Glanzmann
Doctoral Researcher | Universität Heidelberg"After a brief introduction, I was immediately convinced that CDD was ideal for my project, where I need to keep track of a large molecular library. I was particularly impressed by the option of filtering for structural fragments. Creating a comparable setup myself would have taken an unmanageable amount of time. In addition, you can always rely on the outstanding customer support."
Leonard Trau
M.Sc. Candidate in Biotechnology, University of Münster | iGEM"I believe many of us will no longer want to do without the Vault and will encourage its use in our institutes as an alternative to cluttered folder structures on networks."
Liam Cox
Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer, Reader in Biological Organic Chemistry | University of Birmingham"As someone who is not very tech-savvy, I found great value in the user-friendliness of the platform. The straightforward engagement with CDD is also appealing, and I'd like to highlight the fantastic support we received from the CDD team."
Mary Lynn Baniecki
Harvard Medical School"It’s a great tool for mining and sharing data with collaborators. I’ve used a couple of other programs, but they don’t put everything together so intuitively."
Nelson Dueñas
Co-Founder & CTO | Numy Foods"We chose CDD because it meets our need to document the development of Mycelium engineering technology, an emerging field with evolving standards. The CDD team has provided full support, guiding us through the implementation of our applied scientific documentation."
Oliv Eidam
Associate Director Data Science | Ridgeline Discovery"I only start working on proteins and antibodies once they are registered in CDD Vault. Spreadsheets don't work because you don't know which version is up to date. I trust the Vault as the single source of accurate data."
Paul Faulder
CEO & Co-Founder | Elixir Software Ltd"In our journey to streamline our data management processes, the CDD Vault API stands out for its robustness, flexibility, and documentation. Its seamless integration into our existing systems has allowed us to access, manage, and analyze data with unprecedented ease and reliability. The level of customization it offers ensures that we can tailor the solutions to meet our specific needs, further enhancing our productivity. "
Rachel Gallagher
Director of Biology | Renasant Bio"Easy platform that does what we need, support is second to none, CDD feels like a partner, not a vendor. I was sold right after the CDD demo. CDD’s Customer Support is always available they almost feel like a member of our team"
Rob Gillespie
Research Scientist/Engineer | University of Washington"If it's not in CDD, it didn't happen."
Ruo Steensma
Director of Chemistry | Orphagen Pharmaceuticals"We had Excel sheets all over the place and data from different projects that were just separated in different folders and after a while, it got to the point that it was just hard to manage. We chose CDD, and we’re really happy with the service and the cost and the way the database is evolving."
Scott Silveria
Principal Data Analyst | Arcus Biosciences"CDD Vault is a great choice for a start-up and has scaled well as our Research enterprise has expanded rapidly. Our scientists find the protocol and GUI structure to be excellent. From my perspective as a data analyst, the API has enabled me to code and automate complex custom analyses and automate integration and sharing of chemical and biological data for presentations which has been an exceptional time-saver for the laboratory researchers."
Scott Thacher
CEO | Orphagen Pharmaceuticals"We looked at many options for a chemistry database. CDD is an economical and effective solution: the flexible web-based interface without need for internal IT support fits our small company requirements very well. And CDD is fun to work with."
Steven P. Maher
Research Associate, University of Georgia Athens, GA, Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases (CTEGD)"In a high-stakes research project, screening over 120,000 compounds for malaria treatment, the precision of data management became clear. When working with thousands of different compounds in different tubes and microtiter plates in different countries, a critical mix-up could invalidated a year's worth of work. With CDD, we safeguard our research against such setbacks, ensuring every discovery, big or small, is built on a foundation of trust and precision"
Takeshi Yura
VP Medicinal Chemistry | Jubilant Biosys"CDD Vault has been an invaluable resource for our team. Its intuitive operating system allows us to view essential chemistry and biology data at key points of our project lifecycles. CDD complements our onshore and offshore collaborations in a stable and secure manner with quality data point representation for simple yet evocative conclusions. We highly recommend this to anyone who works with loads of scientific data and needs to glean worthy insights regularly."
Thales Kronenberger
Junior Group Leader | Hospital of the university of Tübingen"CDD Vault helped to connect our research from groups in different sites. It was important not only for the tools to access and store data from different areas (chemists with their structures and biologists with their curves) but also helped us to create a standardized communication within the team."
Timothy Richardson
Senior Research Professor | Indiana University School of Medicine"CDD Vault allows teams to access and view all their data in one place using a simple and versatile web-based portal tailored for medicinal chemistry. Highly recommend for academics and early biotechs that need to get started quickly without any prior experience with database architectures."