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    September 9, 2015

    You need a new database for your chemistry and biology data – but you wonder if the switch will be too much work?

    CDD Vault makes it easy and the CDD team will help ensure a smooth transition

    From the desk of Dr. Sylvia Ernst, Head of Sales and Sales Operations


    How, you ask? What should you do when you really need to modernize your biology and chemistry data management, and yet the change feels like a colossal task? Let’s shed some light on the concerns we’ve heard and maybe the update will be easier than you imagined.

    Concern #1: We have so much legacy data which we continue to use. How can we get the existing data quickly into new, improved systems and processes?

    Concern # 2: Our users know how to use our old database and they do not like to learn new software. They are scientists and should do science.

    Concern # 3: Implementing and installing new software may be too expensive; perhaps we cannot afford a change.

    OK, those are the top 3 concerns we hear; let’s explore these one by one.

    Concern # 1: We have so much legacy data which we continue to use. How can we get the existing data quickly into new, improved systems and processes?

    We use a three-pronged approach to get pesky legacy data well organized and efficiently transferred into your fresh CDD Vault database.

    1. The Technology - The CDD Vault features a data import wizard which makes QCing and data migration easy. Re-useable templates streamline data import with integrated “data intelligence” algorithms that learn from your preferences to automate recurring tasks.

      • Mapping

    2. The CDD technical staff - We are with you. Our technical staff has helped many customers migrate their drug discovery legacy data from other software, or from “Excel chaos”, into CDD Vault. We offer software, scripts, tools, and expertise that advise, guide or even execute the data migration for you.

    3. Additional services - We also offer a “white glove service” where you let us perform the entire data migration and we hand you a nice, new CDD Vault filled with all your legacy data.

    Concern # 2: Our users know how to use our old database and they do not like to learn new software. They are scientists and should do science.

    From its inception, CDD Vault has been designed for ease of use, even across different cultures, time zones, and languages. Anyone who knows how to navigate a web-page will easily and quickly master CDD Vault.

    For those who may not be very web-savvy, we provide intuitive tutorials, helpful documentation, entertaining training videos and include live assistance and support.

    Concern # 3: Implementing and installing new software may be too expensive; perhaps we cannot afford a change.

    As a hosted solution, the CDD Vault platform does not require implementation, is very affordable, and has a very low TCO (total cost of ownership). In fact, clients around the world are discovering just how much cost and work the CDD Vault and/or CDD team saves already busy researchers. For additional information, please ask.

    Emily Oster, American economist, best-selling author and Harvard graduate, wrote that the "key to good decision making is evaluating the available information." With CDD Vault, your data and information are readily available to you and your colleagues in a truly collaborative environment… So, the question becomes, can you afford not to change?

    This blog is authored by members of the CDD Vault community. CDD Vault is a hosted drug discovery informatics platform that securely manages both private and external biological and chemical data. It provides core functionality including chemical registration, structure activity relationship, chemical inventory, and electronic lab notebook capabilities!

    CDD Vault: Drug Discovery Informatics your whole project team will embrace!

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