CDD Blog

Recorded Webinar: Manage Protocol/Assay Definitions in CDD Vault

Written by Admin | Sep 28, 2023 11:10:46 PM

Join Janice Darlington CDD's Customer Engagement Scientist as she presents our Assay Annotation Demo Webinar. Dive deep into the latest advancements for managing biological assay data within the CDD Vault.

As we explore the features of CDD Vault's assay management, you'll gain insights into:

  • Protocol Fields: Grasp the importance of top-level Protocol fields to comprehensively describe assays. Learn how to efficiently capture consistent metadata.
  • Run Fields: Understand the nuances of annotating individual experiments, seeing how these fields evolve over time yet remain consistent within single runs.
  • Protocol Forms: Discover how Protocol Forms streamline the creation process for different assay categories. Embrace the potential of structured data organization.
  • Ontology Templates: Delve into the intricacies of enriching Protocol and Run definitions with ontology terms, and get acquainted with the Common Assay Template's capabilities.
  • Benefits of Implementation: Recognize how these enhancements can elevate your assay informatics strategy, fostering consistency and simplifying data access and search.
The benefits and advantages of CDD Vault Fair Assay Registration Forms are summarized in this short presentation:



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