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    February 13, 2015

    CDD Vision Update: More Calculations with Protocol Conditions

    This release adds new features to protocol conditions and dose-response calculations. In summary, you can now specify multiple condition values in your custom formulas,  your search results will now show a separate column for each protocol condition, and you have more flexibility when defining dose-response curve validation.

    CDD Vision: custom formulas

    Building on the previous update, we have added support for multiple condition values in your custom formulas. Here's an example of how you would use multiple condition values in your custom formula: You perform a CRC (concentration-response curve) assay on two targets, looking for a selective drug. You also record the protocol version as a condition, so that you can detect if results start to differ between versions. Your protocol looks like this in CDD: Screen Shot 2015-01-22 at 4.41.20 PM When you calculate an Average IC50 value, the calculation is performed per target, and per protocol version. This will happen automatically. When the assay conditions are established, you would like to know the average IC50 across several versions of the protocol. You can do so by listing those versions in the conditions section of the custom formula: multiple_conditions_formula Here are primers on  using conditions and  setting up calculations. As always, you can  contact us for an in-depth tutorial on applying these features to your data.

    CDD Vault and Vision: search results display

    You can use protocol conditions to filter protocol data. When leaving the condition drop-down on any value”, you will get results for each aggregated condition value in a separate column. This is replacing a previous display where condition values and aggregated results were displayed side by side in an implicit order: display_order

     CDD Vault: Dose- Response curve validation minimum activity thresholds

    When you define a dose-response (or concentration-response) curve in CDD Vault, you can add curve validation rules to your protocol, which automatically apply to all curves, eliminating a step in manual curve inspection. In the past you could only specify an upper or lower bound for required activity, but you now have the option of defining a range of response values that should be considered inactive.  Previously defined validations have been automatically migrated to the new format. The form looks like this: CDD_Vault_DR_Validation Notice that you can now set the minimum inactive, maximum inactive, or a range of inactive values. People that are working on both inhibitors and activators will find that the new range setting allows them to accurately validate both types of curves. Here's the complete documentation for dose-response curve validation.

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