CDD Blog

CDD Vault Update (September 2024 #2) - Release Notes

Written by Admin | Sep 17, 2024 11:42:44 PM

Create ELN Templates:

Templates are a great way to provide organization and uniformity to ELN entries, saving users time and ensuring data is easily digestible. Once an entry is ready to become a template, your Vault Administrator can publish it by clicking the template icon at the top of the page. Provide a name, decide which specific ELN fields should be included and whether to make them required or optional. Template-specific fields ensure you capture necessary details without overwhelming users with extraneous content. Customize your templates to match a wide range of experiment types.

When creating new ELN entries, users have the option to apply a template. The template automatically adds the title, field and body content to the newly created entry.

Improved ELN Molecule Registration:

This new feature allows users to choose whether to register a new molecule or a new batch from the stoichiometry table. Structures drawn may already be registered in a Vault: either the current Vault or a linked Vault. Users can now register a new molecule with a new parent identifier, instead of defaulting to creating a new batch. This feature is particularly useful for structures with ambiguous stereochemistry and tautomers. The screenshot below shows an example of a ‘virtual’ molecule registered in a separate Vault, and now that the structure is synthesized, it can be registered in the Vault where the ELN entry resides. 

*Note: The above features are only available in the pre-release version 2 of CDD Vault’s ELN. If you wish to enable the ELN pre-release, please contact your account manager or the CDD Support Team.

Unorganized Inventory Locations:

Samples registered in the Vault can now be assigned to locations not organized into boxes. Vault Administrators can create a location and add an “unorganized box”, giving users the ability to add a sample location without specifying a box position. 

For example, a sample is shipped to Collaborator A at another site, and the specific box location is unknown/not relevant. Or you are storing samples in a hood or on a shelf. Limit the number of samples stored in an unorganized box by setting the capacity.

This blog is authored by members of the CDD Vault community. CDD Vault is a hosted drug discovery informatics platform that securely manages both private and external biological and chemical data. It provides core functionality including chemical registrationdata visualization, inventory, and electronic lab notebook capabilities.