CDD Blog


Written by CDD Vault Team | Jan 18, 2019 8:00:00 AM

CDD hopes you had a wonderful and restful holiday season. The new year always brings a renewed energy to knock out those to-do lists in record time. Here at CDD, our Development Team has hit the new year running, and we hope you enjoy these first new enhancements to the CDD Vault ELN of 2019. Rest assured, these won't be our last, so keep watching for more great things to come!

Retrieve All Molecules More Efficiently

When using the Explore Data > Search menu to search for your Molecules, there's a new feature that enables users to Retrieve All Molecules with just one quick click.From this main Search menu, simply click the green "Search"  button and all Molecules (within your selected Project scope) will be returned. It's truly that simple! 

Now, when in the "Explore Data > Search" menu, simply click the green "Search" button to retrieve all molecules with one click!

Searching Across Text Batch Fields

There are other new features to enjoy in the main Explore Data > Search menu. When querying across your text Batch fields, you now have more control of your search parameters.  With the addition of "Has", “From”, "Not" and "No Value" search operators, your Keyword queries have gained the power they deserve. To take advantage of these new searching capabilities, users should:

  • Click the "Any field" drop-down within the "Keywords" section of the main Search menu
  • Select a Batch field
  • Choose your desired query operator: Has, From, Not, or No Value
  • Click the green "Search" button
As mentioned above, there are more new features to come, so watch for new parameters you can use for searching date and numeric Batch fields!


Cross Batch field queries, have become more powerful with the addition of "Has", “From”, "Not" and "No Value" keyword search operators.

Inventory Location Field Is Now Available on New Molecule Registration Form

Users who register new Molecules manually, one at a time, through the CDD Vault interface will now see the Inventory Location field available in the data input form, so they can populate a value into this Inventory Location field. 


The "Inventory Location" field is now available in the data input form when manually registering new molecules.

CDD Vault Tip: Paste Directly into Marvin JS

When pasting into the structure editor, you can now save yourself a click. An initial click in the white space is no longer needed. Once you load the structure editor, simply paste your structure and go!